Introducing Brands to Peach Fuzz: The Pantone Colour of the Year 2024.

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Colour is an aspect that influences the mind and soul. Brands use a strategic mix of colours in both physical and digital marketplaces to grab the attention of customers. Pantone has captured the true essence of the human spirit through the “Colour of the Year for 2024" — Peach Fuzz. The colour, gentle and velvety peach, describes the all-embracing spirit that nurtures the body, mind and soul. Rather than a visual choice, this colour reflects the basic desires of human beings, making it ideal in challenging situations. 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of ‘Colour of the Year’, the long-held tradition of Pantone Colour Institute. This comforting and warm hue evokes a sense of solace and optimism, thereby reflecting the need for emotional nourishment and the power of simplicity. Let’s take a look at the interesting aspects and the real-time applications of the colour of the year that add a harmonising tone to the colour palette.